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IMPORTANT INFORMATION: CPDP Mid-Program Portfolio Review

The 2017 Mid-Program Portfolio Review is May 20th from 12pm-3pm!

We are delighted that you have made it this far! Now, we would like to see the fruits of your labor!


This Review will give everyone an opportunity to talk about what they have learned and what they will do as future Paras and beyond.


Each person will be asked to answer ONLY three questions during the concurrent sessions:

  1. What was most useful from the session or sessions you selected?
  2. Given what you have learned throughout the program combined with your past experiences, what skills do you have that will support BPS students and families?
  3. What would you like others to know about you as a future BPS educator?

That’s it! Three questions!

After the panel has answered the three questions, special guests will come up to the table and review your current portfolio and provide feedback. We are asking everyone to dress as they would for a BPS interview.


Please complete this brief questionnaire so that we can put you in Discussion Panels for the Review (we have also added the 3 questions so that you can have your answers in advance). These panels were used last year to boost the confidence of the group presenting (versus presenting the work by yourself). You may select one of the clusters shown or add your own cluster/topic.

If you still need to have your resume reviewed, please email it to CPDPCareers@gmail.com to have it reviewed and revised.

More information to come!


The CPDP Staff

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Pre-Session Updates for March 18th

  • The readings for Seminar 1 of the Children’s Cognitive & Socio-Emotional Development series can be found here. If you have any questions about the readings, please contact Reverend Cheng Imm Tan cit2288@gmail.com.


  • For those who have completed your TGH hours and submitted your $50 payment, you will be able to pick up your Chromebook between 11:00am and 12:00pm on Saturday, March 18th (in other words, an hour before the session begins).
  • Those who have not completed the TGH hours will need to complete the practice assignments from all three (3) trainings and send a link to their work and online portfolio (it is fine if your portfolio is in the early stages) to CPDPTech@gmail.com. We will notify you once we have received your materials and will mark off your hours. Then, you can pay your $50 to receive your Chromebook.
  • PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The date of the Mid-Program Portfolio Review has been changed from May 29th to May 20th.You will receive more information about the format of the event next week. 

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Cultural Resilience & Prep for Next Sessions

Welcome Back!

Group photo with JuanCarlos

Complete the seminar evaluation on


I have heard from many of you how much you appreciated getting back into the swing of things with Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz, Executive Director of E3: Education, Excellence, and Equity. Feel free to follow E3 on Twitter and Facebook . You may also email Dr. Arauz directly at juancarlos@e3ed.org. We are in the process of adding the resources used during the March 4th session into the Seminar folder, for now, enjoy some of the great pictures that were taken from that experience.

Thanks again, Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz!!!

THE RESULTS ARE IN! APRIL 29th For Last Session on Children’s Development

Thank you all for your feedback on your preferred date for the last session with Reverend Cheng Imm Tan. It was a close one, but we will hold that last session on April 29th! As a reminder, the three sessions are scheduled for March 18th, April 1st, and April 29thPlease add these dates to your calendar.

Cheng imms session

We are in the process of adding the materials you will need for Reverend Tan’s 3 sessions into the Seminar folder (click here to access the readings for the first session). In preparation for Reverend Tan’s session, I would like you to watch the following video by an amazing Educator (and mentor in my head), Rita Pierson (something about her should seem very familiar):


Very Best,

Dr. Kecia



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Update on TGH Trainings

Hello Everyone:
It has come to my attention that some members of the cohort will not be able to make it to Madison at 10:00am tomorrow due to prior engagements. That is perfectly fine, given our original arrangement was to begin the session at 12:00pm and end at 3:00pmFor those who are able to make it to the site at 10:00am, you will have access to the building by 9:30am. For those who are only able to attend from12:00pm-3:00pm, please know that the Janessa, Imane and others will be there to assist you.
Please complete this short survey so that we can best accommodate the varying schedules, going forward.
Please understand that part of the work of understanding how best to use the technology you will be given, is allowing yourself to “play” or engage with it to address your everyday needs. It is perfectly fine to practice some of the tips you will learn in your personal email, to do homework for a course you are taking (not related to CPDP) or to begin working on your online portfolio or educational narrative (my personal favorite). Regardless, the purpose is to practice so that you are comfortable using the various apps/functions when working with students in the classroom.
Feel free to direct your questions to us and we will get back to you as soon as we can! You may reach the Tech Team at CPDPTech@gmail.com.

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Tech Goes Home Training Information

Happy (Pre) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! I am thrilled to be back in communication with you! It has been an eventful 2017 already and we are looking forward to continuing the good work we started with you in 2016.
As mentioned in Janessa’s email, here are the TGH training dates for our program:
TGH Training Information
Time: 12pm-3pm
Dates: January: 21, 28 February: 4, 11, 18  and 25th (Make-up date if needed)
Location: BPS Department of Adult Education Madison Park Vocational High School, 75 Malcolm X Blvd, Boston, MA 02120
As a reminder, the purpose of the TGH training is to get you better acquainted with the Google Platform (which BPS uses for all business transactions). In addition, you will use the Chromebook that you are eligible to receive after the required 15 hours of training to develop your online portfolios. Once you have completed your training, you may purchase a Chromebook for $50!
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you have gone through the TGH training in the past, please let me know.

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More for Your Library

Again, it was great to have a discussion with Hayden Frederick-Clarke last Saturday.
Hayden gave you a list of books that he felt are important for you as educators to read. Janessa will be adding the audio plus the list to our blog over the weekend. In the meantime, Here are 8 additional books that I feel would be helpful to you as educators:
Thank you to everyone who has completed each of the Seminar Evaluations on SurveyMonkey. Your feedback is important to us! We ask each of you to provide us your feedback for two reasons:
1) To gain a sense of your growth and learning experience in the program;
2) To help make improvements to each seminar, as necessary
If you have not already done so, please complete each of the evaluations:

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December 3rd Post-Session Notes (in progress)

Thank you for your flexibility in the shift in the schedule to make space for Mr. Hayden Frederick-Clarke to speak this afternoon. What was meant to be a simple welcome and word of encouragement to the gentlemen in the cohort, turned out to be a dialogue that underscores the importance of everyone’s work with young people.

Although we only got through a small portion of the Introduction: Special Needs and Student Success, you can view the presentation here in our Google Drive folder. Want to gain firsthand understanding of some of our student’s learning experiences? Try working through the 5 simulations on the Through a Child’s Eyes page on the Understood website. It will both humble and motivate you at the same time!

With more to come,

Dr. Brown McManus



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Introduction: Special Education & Student Success

As we begin our examination of Special Education and Student Success, I would like us to revisit the beautiful story of Ben Underwood and what Liz Murray calls “..the Love of Possibility.”

In addition, we will begin to discuss the resources available in BPS via the Office of Special Education and Student Services. We will also post the relevant Superintendent Circulars on the BPS Policies and Procedures page.

Here is short video about the experience of working in a K-2 Special Education classroom:

We have a number of people within our cohort who have a wealth of experience working with students who push beyond the possibilities as it relates to what are categorized as “physical, emotional, and/or intellectual disabilities.” Please come prepared to share your experiences, strategies and questions.

Very best,

Dr. Brown McManus


P.s. Ok, I have to add one more video! Here is a wonderful TEDTalk about Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

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November 19th Post Session Notes

Please let us know your feedback regarding the “Anatomy of Racism” workshop that took place on November 19th.

(The post below was written by Aginah Akbar to her and Nicole’s group. Thank you for allowing me to post it here, Aginah! Good luck to you and the other performers!)

Good afternoon!

Nicole and I wanted to touch basis/check in before this week’s session… to start, because I will not be able to attend this Saturday’s workshop, we will NOT be meeting afterwards (This information is for the PLC post-session meeting only). While everyone is sharing their wonderful field trip experiences, I’ll be singing my heart out in Arlington, MA in the name of hope and recovery! Please know we are available via email or phone (see contact info below) during our off week to discuss CPDP stuff.  🙂
Also, If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out the most recent CPDP blog entry, the Nov. 5th POST note sessions are available as well as the Nov. 5th evaluation (link: https://cpdpblog.wordpress.com/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-2). Via our last workshop, we discussed starting the framework of your Educational Narratives; the specific details of the project is under the “Assignments” section of the CPDP blog. As a reference, I attached the shortened version of my educational narrative (I loaded them in sequential order so read & hopefully enjoy)🤗
Lastly, Kecia graced us with a heartfelt video note yesterday; please check it out…
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Event-Opportunity & Achievement Gaps Speaker Series

(Click on the EVENTS tab at the top right of this page to view other events)

The Office of the Opportunity and Achievement Gaps Speaker Series is happy to present our next speaker, Tim Wise. Wise is the author of seven books, including his latest, Under the Affluence: Shaming the Poor, Praising the Rich and Sacrificing the Future of America. Click here  to learn more about the OAG Speaker Series, Mr. Wise and to register for the event.
